On the first day of the first hour of any Entrepreneurship course at a B-school worth their salt, you are told that statistically, the principal reason businesses go under is they run out of cash or their finances are ill-managed.
It’s ordinarily a tough gig for entrepreneurs/small businesses and now, coupled with the indisputable economic impact of Coronavirus this is likely to be a devastating time for them.
Small businesses form the backbone of our communities and not the likes of Uber or Amazon. Speaking of Amazon, its ramping up its hiring, indicating that we are still shopping.
Plus, my “most read” blogs this week were ALL shopping related.
Therefore, I thought it’d share a few small brands that I’ll be supporting over the next few months.
Before that, a monetary health notice.

Sufra NW London – Food Bank and Kitchen
The lockdown is hard on everyone, and crushing when there is neither a home, food or a table to sit at.
Food banks provide a vital social service and it is a no judgment space that any human being – irrespective of religion, resident status and so on – can use. Our lives would be so much simpler if cognitively we were incapable of judging each other. But hey, you can’t win all the time.
This food bank is located where I used to live in London.
P.S. a classmate is a trustee
P.P.S. In case you are wondering why I have chosen a food bank, well it is competing for the same disposable income as a pair of Ferragamo shoes that I’ve been ogling.
L K Bennett
This is a struggling British high street brand that I’ve fond memories of and I’d miss if it went the way of the dodos. Every important meeting and many of my first wedding shoes are from this brand. It makes fantastic pieces of clothing, that quite frequently find themselves in the sale.
I have my eyes on both these jumpsuits.

Source: L K Bennett
Both jumpsuits are on sale (but still expensive): rose jumpsuit (£225 £168) and printed jumpsuit (£350 £262), and I am waiting for a special occasion to buy them.
Smythson diaries
This brand is quintessentially British. I have had their camera, pencil and jewellery cases for at least a decade now and they’ve all aged beautifully.
However, their pricing strategy is completely off and help comes in the form of the outnet, where a £55 diary will cost you £33.
This baby pink flamingo diary has my attention.

Source: the outnet
Beauty counter
I’ve previously written about how Beauty counter is an ethical brand, with the Founder pushing for improved regulation of US cosmetics, refuses to use Mica in glitter cosmetics and so on.
Notwithstanding the praiseworthy work undertaken by the brand, I actually discovered this brand via a micro- beauty- influencer, #ohhjessicabeautycounter. Its run by a US military wife, who appears to move countries every time her husband is deployed. I find it fascinating that while Instagram has created superstar influencers, its also provided a steady income for individuals like Jessica, who are passionate, hard-working and committed. Honestly, I don’t remember the last time she didn’t post on IGTV and that takes commitment.
I am on the search for decent hand-creams as I am sure you are. This Citrus Mimosa has taken my attention.

Source: Beauty Counter
The Manicurist
This is a French nail polish and nail care brand that is vegan and (apparently) up to 84% of their ingredients are bio-sourced. In English, I think this means that their formulation use fewer synthetic ingredients than a bog-standard supermarket brand, such as Maybelline.
Truthfully, I’m excited. When was the last time you wore nail polish thinking, “hey, this may not completely destroy my nails.”