There are 70 days to the end of this decade.
I will be honest. I haven’t fared as well as I thought I would at the start of this decade. In fact, that is the understatement of the century.
The past decade has been nothing short of hard. Hard in a bone crushing and soul destroying kind of way. I always claim to prefer Ram to Krishna. Well, I certainly can relate to the hardship of his exile.
That and the Pandavs exile. Like them, I could not carry on without my family & friends like family. They of boundless patience, tolerance and love.
As we approach 2020 I can’t help but ask myself, why I have been so unkind to me. Why have I let myself put on at least 10kgs? Was food / chocolate my only salve?
As I look at Shilpa Shetty’s IIFA photos from 10 years ago, she looks younger today than she did then. That takes hard work and discipline. She didn’t always look like Miss India, but she certainly does now.

What am I going to do for the remainder of this year?
I refuse to look like a fat toad on New Year’s Eve. This is not about fitting into societies standards of what women should look like. This is about being kind to myself. When life throws you hand grenades and sharp objects, the least you can do is have the discipline to outrun everything.
My target
Anoushka Shankar plays for one day on 20 December in Dubai. My goal is to wear the same dress I wore the first time I saw her at the Barbican in 2011.
She played with her father then, the late Ravi Shankar. She was amazing but he blew my mind.
How am I going to do it?
- Portion control – I eat enough for a small nation so this will be tough.
- Exercise: 1,000 calorie a day target. I have bought a POLAR watch. If you don’t know what a POLAR watch is, then we need to talk.
- 3 litres of water a day
- Try and not eat anything but soup in the night.
I weigh 65 kgs today. I will update you in a fortnight and I will let you know what works / what doesn’t….