I sometimes feel that my blog could easily be an advert for Forest Essentials, bar the fact that I have a real love-hate relationship with their products. Love most Parijat products, pretty much hate most of their skincare. Absolutely loathe Forest Essentials’ sunscreen. Period.
Why a new product test of their pretty expensive products?
Forest Essentials’ have been extremely busy over the pandemic: while the rest of the world, took a back-seat, Forest Essentials leaped forward with a bunch of new products including make-up, face care products (masks, night creams, eye creams) etc.
Concurrently, Kama Ayurveda, arguably Forest Essentials’ only competitor, have come out with a range of new face serums. Therefore, it is time to revisit both brands again.
What is my selection criteria?
If you are a regular reader, you’ll know that I have low-confidence in Forest Essentials’ staff: I feel as if they are imply focussed on hard-selling.
(But honestly, after looking at my haul below, I think I may have bought the whole store).
My primary criteria is as follows:
- Choose all the latest launches of Forest Essentials’ products
- Ignore suggestions made by Forest Essentials’ salespersons (sorry!)
- Focus on anti-ageing as a theme of my routine
How am I expecting and how does this work?
When I product test a range of products, I will only use those products for the duration of that 60 day period.
Its important that the period is not less than 30 days, because the rate of desquamation on my face is probably around 30 days because of my age.
I want this routine to work – so I am also going to be sharing my tips to make the best of the products.
Finally, I am expecting that my skin looks tighter and smoother as well as is brighter.
Obligatory before photos

Forest Essentials’ cleansers including ubtans and cleansing pastes

From Left to Right: Facial Cleanser – Kashmiri Saffron & Neem (₹1,550), Facial Ubtan – Roop Nikhar Gulab (₹1,075), Facial Cleansing paste (₹2,950), Good Earth Face Toner
Forest Essentials daycream and eye serum

From Left to Right: Rosewater hydrating gel (₹1,775), Light Day Lotion (₹2,475), Under Eye serum (₹2,750)
The rosewater hydrating gel should also act as a toner – but I wasn’t sure of the texture and hence the Good Earth Rosewater too.
Forest Essentials Night routine

Well, this is the latest edition to the Forest Essentials family, which comes with a gold spoon et al (Not a real gold spoon). At ₹7,600, the is one of the more expensive face creams on the Indian market. Click here to purchase
Forest Essentials face masks and weekly regimes

From Left to Right: Haldi Varnya Lepa (₹1,875), Chandan Varnya Lepa (₹1,875), Tejasvi Emulsion (₹2575)
Closing remarks
In total, I have spent over ₹……….. in Forest Essentials products!! This better work…
My previous blogs on Forest Essentials…
Kama Ayurveda vs Forest Essentials which produces the better products?