The Tejasvi Emulsion is not an “emulsion” as an emulsion by definition, has some component of a water. It is more accurate to call this product “cow’s ghee” with additives.
How did I use this product?
The instructions on the package (I did read them this time), are to use a small amount and massage on face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Given how this product “sits” on your skin (being occlusive), I realised that these were basic instructions for an oil cleanse.
What is an oil cleanse?
“Oil cleansing” is a beauty trend that has seen an upturn during the pandemic. If you have never heard of this, here is a great youtube video showing the effects (albeit quite disgusting, at the end of this blog).
My approach to an oil cleanse
I don’t oil cleanse often because I have had an exceptionally bad experience of incorrectly using Bobbi Brown’s facial oil as my base oil. This resulted in pimples the size of boulders- but I am to blame. This was the wrong oil for an oil cleanse.
Now I know better.
When I have the Tejasvi Emulsion in stock, I will spend about 15 minutes massaging my face with this. The ghee isn’t absorbed by skin and also, sensible use of ghee (once a week) is not going to clog your pores – in fact, it does the opposite.
How much did I use?
I estimate that is a teaspoon of ghee to cover my whole face and neck. To be honest, I could have used less.

What happens to your skin when you do an “oil massage?”
- The gunk or “oil plugs” (whiteheads, blackheads included) are attracted to the oil, loosen up and come out.
- The next day, my skin has transformed. It is definitely:
- Smoother
- Feels tighter – because I have worked out my facial muscles and not damaged my skin barrier
- My pores around problem areas – nose, chin are cleaner and reduced in size (they haven’t disappeared though).
- My pores across the rest of my face are much smaller, giving the effect of smooth and supple skin
The overall effect is to increase the clarity of my skin, giving a more youthful appearance.
I like the results:

There is definitely a glow and I am unsure if there is actual skin lightening or simply dead skin cells have been removed.
Would I buy this product again?
I would repurchase this product.
I would go so far as to say this might be hands down the best Forest Essentials product that I have used. After the fiasco of the make-up products, I am genuinely pleased to have used this.
Available for sale at Forest Essentials for INR 2,175 for 30g. I received the old packaging, which is fine. This is what the new package looks like:

The YouTube link I have attached goes through the mechanics of oil cleansing and suggests a couple of products.
Quite honestly, this is all you need to know.
My twopence to this is as follows:
- If you have acute acne, sensitive skin or just generally problematic skin, don’t oil cleanse
- The first time you oil cleanse, do so for about 2-5 minutes, setting the timer on your phone.
- Build up your skin’s tolerance to being massaged over at least four weeks to about 20 minutes once or twice a week.
- Pay attention to areas where there are clogged pores (e.g.) nose, chin and maybe forehead.
- Work gently to try and dislodge the “plugs” using your fingertips.
- DO not use your nails.
- If you have severely clogged pores, you may not see significant difference until you get to 20-40 minutes of cleansing – don’t rush the process. Respect your skin and build up to the 20-40 minutes.
- Tempting as it is, do not oil cleanse several times a week. It will damage your skin barrier and is not necessary. Just don’t.
- I always remove the entire Tejasvi Emulsion, using a face towel dipped in boiling water and I work quickly, without scalding my face
- Ordinarily, no excess ghee is left on my face, so I did not use a face wash. However, for other products, I would use a face wash.
- I applied tea tree oil (its anti-septic) across my face as the final step and used a very light facial emulsion.
…finally, the YouTube video
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