In the words of Edward Murrow, its time to say, “good night and good luck,” to Forest Essentials (FE).
Murrow is often cited as the pinnacle of honest and unbiased reporting. I too, strive for the same honesty in my blogs and being a non-affiliate blogger (i.e., I pay for products) let’s me do this.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. or 4 months ago
Four months ago, I went to FE stores and the staff (including an Ayurveda doctor), recommended a skincare routine (day and night) based on my skin type, concerns and age. I have since followed this routine, observed and documented major changes in my skin.
Drum roll please…. worth your dime or time?

Q1) Has the state of my skin improved?
Yes, without doubt, as:
- The texture and appearance of my skin has improved, as my skin is more hydrated and supple. Several people have also complimented me and asked me what I use. But no-one has said I look more “youthful” or that my skin is “glowing.”
- I’ve not had any breakouts (pimples/blackheads etc) since I started this routine. This is a tick in the right box as I expect at least one breakout per month (diet, stress or hormones).
- My pores have reduced marginally in size, which a my age I will take.
Q2) Which areas have there been no improvement in?
- My complexion is neither darker or lighter.
- My photo-damaged skin (hyper-pigmentation, age spots – whatever you want to call them) show absolutely ZERO improvement.
My expectations of FE were so low to begin with, that I didn’t expect any improvement in my photo-damaged skin. (See this post) BUT, the Tejasvi Emulsion and the Tejasvi sheet masks are lightening products and the Soundarya serum was sold to me on the assurance that my age spots would lighten. This hasn’t happened.
At this price point, this is a terrible result. Its akin to paying a massive donation to Trump University and then graduating last in your class of two.

Q3) Should you drop everything and buy all the products I have bought?
No-one (in their right mind) should follow my regime to the letter. I’d only buy some products again. Other products I have mixed feelings about, mainly because I didn’t need them. The remaining products deserve to be in the garbage or a 1,000 Celsius incinerator, whichever is closer.
Q4) Which products are worth my dime and time?
I would happily buy these products again.

I notice the difference when I don’t use these products and what’s noteworthy, is that these products work better together. My skin is less hydrated when I leave one/two products out of my routine.
This is unsurprising, as beauty brands now strategically create many products instead of just one blockbuster product. More products leads to more sales and profit.
Q4a) Which product offered the most value for money?

On average, I use this face wash twice a day. I used about 40 per cent in 4 months, and I expect the remainder to last another 4-6 months. That works out at less than Rs 10 per day for this face wash.
Q5) Which products would I never buy?

5a) Soundarya Radiance Cream with 24K gold and SPF25 (Retail price ₹4,800)
This is a massively expensive product that has added nothing of value to my skin. I’d do just as well with a cheaper Cetaphil cream. The nail in the coffin is the stench of this product. You know there is a problem when your family / friends tell you that they will buy you better smelling rotten eggs if you stop using this cream.
5b) Facial Ubtan Soundarya (Retail price ₹1,075)
This is a terrible product for me and it was sold to me by Dr Ayurveda, who was not trying to win any “Employee of the Month” competitions. See this post for more details.
5c) Advanced Soundarya Age Defying Facial Serum With 24K Gold (Retail price ₹3,975)
I repeatedly tried to use this product and all that happened was my pores exploded into moon-sized craters. At a certain age (my age), this is a massive skin issue as you simply don’t know if, and when, your pores return to their normal size.
Q6) What products do I have mixed feelings about?

6a) Lightening & Brightening Tejasvi Emulsion (Retail price ₹1,825)
This is a once week product that you leave in your skin overnight. Its pointless, as it did not improve my skin quality and there are cheaper and better options to remove dead cells.
But that’s not my only concern.
Between 2/3 sheet masks/week and this product, when was I supposed to use my night routine products???
As I’m road-testing these products, I added an extra 30 minutes ever 2 to 3 days to my beauty schedule AND still did my night routine.
Unless I want to be locked up in a nuclear reactor, I can’t suggest such a time-consuming and impractical routine to anyone.
6b) Sheet masks (Sundari, Tejasvi and Ojas) (Retail price: ₹995 for 3 maks)
The masks are too small to cover my face. Ok – not the masks fault, but this won’t be a problem just for me.
The masks do precisely what the packaging says. For example, the Tejasvi sheet mask did brighten my skin for at least one day. But these masks are short-term fixes and my skin quickly reverted to the condition it was in, if I didn’t use a sheet mask for a few days.
Apart from the fact that is impractical to use 2-3 sheet masks/week AND apply all my night-routine products, these are very pricey products. I spent at least Rs 3,000 per month on masks.
The cost of these “quick fixes” far outweighs any benefit.
6c) Facial Tonic Mist Panchpushp (Retail price ₹1,275)
This less than ordinary toner shouldn’t have been sold to me as its not appropriate for my older skin.
Closing remarks
This completes the first part of my blog.
I would love to hear what your experience of FE products has been. Click on “EMAIL ME” for my address. I look forward to hearing from you!