I am having a really odd kind of day. Its’ been made infinitely stranger by this product, INLIFE’s SAFFRON FAIRNESS CREAM.
The blurb below it says its “Skin Nourishing” and “Anti-Blemishing.” If you are thinking anti-blemishing is not a word and that’s what is troubling, you would ordinarily be correct.
Today, is exceptional. Today, this is the first product I review in my skin lightening series.
Before that let you and I come to an accord: I have a legitimate expectation that when I buy something called “Saffron Fairness Cream” that one of the ingredients in this cream should be “saffron.”
This is the product label on the back:
This reads, “Each gm contains: Kumkuma (Sty & Stg.) 2mg, Nimba Leaf (Lf.) 15mg, Kanyasara (Lf.) 35mg, O-Tocopherol 0.5mg, Perfume Q.S, Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceto Stearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Mono Stearate, Glycerine, Neolene-B, Aqua, Rose Water, Bronopol”
There is ZERO saffron in this product. In case you are wondering, neither Kumkuma or Kanyasara is saffron.
The identifiable skin lighteners appear to be Kanyasara (aloe vera) and Vitamin E (tocopherol). I note that this product contains BRONOPOL (a biocide used in cosmetics). According to the Allergic Contact Dermatitis Institute, Bronopol is a contact allergen, and if you have sensitive skin stay away from it in personal care products.
Based on the ingredient list, I have serious doubts this product will lighten my skin in any shape or form.
Will I be buying this again?
This is a Rs 200 product for 100g. I could use the current tub I have as an effective paperweight, but I will not be purchasing this again. I would also suggest that anyone thinking of buying this product should ask themselves this question: if you bought a chicken pizza and you were presented with a dry plain naan, would you buy it again?
Mfg. Lic No: T-1826/Ayur, Batch No ILSF-111