Ante in Latin means prior. This blog encapsulates what I would have wanted to know prior to seeing any of the YouTube instructional videos.
I bought my NuFACE device about 6 months ago and followed several videos. My key takeaway was these YouTubers were experts making instructional videos for novices like me. They don’t cover ALL the basics that I would have liked to have known before I had started….
1) General observations
Use the videos to learn the range of movements: I only use two movements “glide & hold” and “press in & hold”
Pay attention to the firmness and pressure applied. There is no point being delicate.
Adapt to your own face. If you want cheekbones more contoured, then push and hold under cheekbone. Eyelids lifted – focus on that
Play around and make this routine truly personal. For the first week, you are just getting comfortable with the device. Learn the movements and how to press onto your face. That’s it. From week 2- 3 add small steps (eg) lip, neck, jawline.
2) Consistency
Like any exercise, if you stop doing it, the state of your muscles will regress. The effect of the device is temporary. If you’ve been using it regularly for a month and leave it for a week, you’ll definitely notice a drop in the firmness of your skin.
3) Don’t overdo it
I spend a maximum of 10-15 mins every 2 days. That’s about 3-4 times a week.
I was doing 30 mins as per the Organic Esthetician’s routine and that just made me look exhausted. The device works on your muscles, so it will cause fatigue and your muscles to look slack.
4) Full sized or mini-device
I have a full-sized device. The mini version was too small for my hand and you can’t use any attachments with the mini-version.
5) Where to buy
The product is cheapest in the USA at US$ 325 and let’s just say, I paid much more than that! I haven’t bought any attachments. As the Organic Esthetician shows in her videos, you don’t need it.
6) Is the device comfortable to use?
The first time I used this device, I felt hideously nauseous, there was an extremely strong metallic taste in my mouth (as if I had Aluminium for dinner) and it gave me a headache.
Thankfully, this didn’t happen again. The device is comfortable to use, provided you don’t zap yourself.
7) Cleaning and maintaining your device
After every use, I use a damp cloth (with soap and water) and wipe down the device. Do not wash it.
I then use rubbing alcohol to wipe the device. Note that Nuface recommend rubbing down with alcohol only once a week. But I am a bit paranoid about fungal/bacterial growth because of the climate I live in.
8) All about the gel
The device comes with a gel, which I would use to practice. If you like it, skip to the next section. I really hate it so I use Holland & Barrett’s aloe vera gel and it works well for me.
The Organic Esthetician suggests a bunch in her videos
NuFACE also produces a 24K firming gel, which at US$ 30+ is expensive. The product inside it gives amazing results. However, it has the world’s most ridiculous brush and therefore getting the product out of the tube, feels like a mission to Mars.

9) YouTube videos
Follow a YouTube video or NuFACE’s instructions to learn the movements. Practice the movements a few times with the device turned off and then switch it on.
I watched this video with the sound off, as I was more interested in the movements. I guess it’s worth listening to the first 4 mins of what she is saying…
My Full NuFACE Routine In Real Time!
Movements to follow
Face (04.56 to 06.00)
Eyes (08.07 to 09.00)
Forehead (12.00 to 13.00) – she is using a different attachment. It makes no difference quite frankly to use the device as it is.
When I was learning how to use this device, I used this video, which in retrospect is too much for beginners. However, it is my go to video now.
NuFACE Anti-Aging How To Full Face Demonstration
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