A small survey of “which product do you find most disappointing?” of my friends and family, put eye creams at the number one spot. In fact Kiehl’s Avocado Eye cream was the most under-performing product. Evidently, there’s no need to mention the Lord Voldemort of eye creams anymore.

Source: Sephora
Personally, I have never been into eye creams until quite recently. I know have dark circles. For many dark circles are genetic, age, diet and so on. For me its life. I went from 7 hours of sound sleep to waking up on average of 15 times a night. I am sure binge watching the Witcher on Netflix hasn’t helped.
Introducing the honest reviewer
To help you and I figure out which eye cream is worth our buck, my no nonsense lawyer cousin, who is the most intimidating 20 something, 5 ft 0 inches person I have ever met, has agreed to help.
Over 2020 she’ll be road-testing a bunch of eye creams. She is starting off with (you guessed it) the Forest Essential’s heavy duty, pricier offering:

Source: Forest Essentials (INR 2,625 for 15g)
What were instructions for use?
The Khan Market FE salesperson’s instructions were to apply the product on top of the eyelid and under the lower lash line. The product should last a month with twice daily applications. We were informed that we would see “results” in a month. However, as this is an Ayurveda product, the Lawyer has agreed to a 60 day trial.
This is the Day One photo and I will provide a 30 day and 60 day update.

Product expectations?
- Diminish fine lines
- While not entirely visible there is some discolouration below the eye – that should reduce.
Both these are inline with the Forest Essential salesperson told us to expect as well as the online marketing blurb for this product.
Can I trust the lawyer?
100%. And so can you.
Plus she is completely obsessed with her non-existent crows feet. We are in safe hands.
If you have any suggested eye creams you’d like to see next, then please let me know. Also, if you have any favourites then drop them the comment or email me at email@happyskindays.com