Until recently I questioned the utility of marriage or just generally relationships. It may also have something to do with the fact that ONLY (a) married men who are of (b) Indian origin, were hitting on me.
Unsurprisingly, my frame of mind was I preferred the company of dung beetles to men. This is unsustainable as I have never met a dung bettle and is grossly insulting to them as a species. I am sure there are some fine, upstanding dung beetles fighting the good fight.
Also, some of my favourite people are intelligent, considerate and kind men.
A friend (ok let’s just call them Jedis) asked me (at what felt like point blank light sabre range) is it just you? Are you carrying an invisible sign on your forehead that says I only date dung bettles? Is that the message I’m inadvertently transmitting to the universe?
There is merit in the Jedi’s raison d’etre. I don’t need to keep failing at this and I am changing my outlook.
This is a checklist that all men that I even remotely consider dating should satisfy.
And in the words of that good old and reliable misogynist Borat, “Please enjoy.”

Yes, that does say Kylo Ren.
Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels, Photo by Rafael Inui from Pexels, Photo by Amir Banuazizi from Pexels