This eye mask is a once-a-week night time product, but I am reviewing it during the day so that we can see the results. One of my favourite products of the year are eye masks, and it is because they give hydration and a plumping effect to the eye area.
Some of my favourites are from 111 Skin (which yes, is expensive) and hence I am on the lookout for cheaper alternatives.
I paid about GBP 45 for 4 masks, which roughly works at US$ 10/use
What am I expecting?
I have a serious line right under my eye, which is more noticeable now then a year ago. Great eye masks reduce this prominent line and crap masks don’t. So, my test is really simple (but effective).
Before photo

After photo

What do I think?
The line does not become less prominent, and I feel the eye mask has made the line more visible. This result is not what I want. I do feel the under-eye area is softer and more supple – but as you can see the size of my pores has increased…
So the mask does not deliver good results: also, quite frankly its a hassle to use. I am not sure why I have to unravel tissue masks AND then add the serum to them….I mean I am paying US$10 for this privilege?
(And its not quite the visual that Estee Lauder advertise)

Ya, this is a hard pass for me.
See also
Click here to purchase.