What am I product testing?
I have used this mask previously, when IZIL had its more traditional Moroccan packaging. This is a new formulation in new packaging and I am excited.
The main changes from before that I can identify are:
- Product has a mint fragrance and
- Is pleasantly cooling on application (the mint)
- Instructions are to wait till the mask is dry before removing
The clay mask has white clay and green tea extract so my expectation is that there will be some serious skin lightening, tan removal.
Obligatory before and after photos
Clearly there is some skin brightening and my pores are no longer visible. Even if the photo is unclear, be in no doubt there is skin lightening..

What do I think?

It took 26 mins for the mask to dry off, which is too long for a clay mask to be on your face.
Mask dries off as a peel and you have to rub mask off to remove it.
I did try to use water the first time and it was a nightmare to take the mask off.
The mask comes up with great difficulty if you use water.
You have to rub the mask off FIRST.
this took a whole 26 minutes: way too long for a clay mask
Would I buy this again?
Probably not. Its a US$50 mask (ok priced) and it (the mask) forces me to do two things that are big NO-NOs in my skincare book.
First, rub my face a lot and second, leave a clay mask longer than is necessary.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to not use products that cause your skin to lose more water than is necessary: increased trans-epidermal water loss, irritation etc. is not the way forward.
So notwithstanding the obvious skin lightening, this is a “no-no” for me.
Also, Sarah Chapman’s Skinesis Instant Miracle Mask is still my choice of skin-brightening mask period.
Where to purchase…
Click here to purchase. Retail price is AED 179 (or US$ ) plus shipping + customs