I am starting a new skincare routine, after literally months of not using skincare. I know. It happens to the best of us.
Obligatory before photos

My observations on NOT using skincare are:
- My pigmentation is out of control. I had pigmentation before, but now its just all over my cheek area
- A lack of exfoliation means my skin is rough, hard and the quality of the skin looks thick
- I have dark circles and I attribute that to stress and diet: but any help that skincare could or would offer has been absent.
What products am I road-testing?
The products are mainly what I have used before and I know my skin is comfortable with.
I cannot emphasise this point enough: when you make changes to your skincare routine – they must be gradual and you should start with products that you already have had a good experience of.
I am only incorporating 2 new products here
What’s in the mix?

Cleansers: Tata Harper and NIOD
If you’ve follow my blog, you’ll know I am 100% for calm and mild cleansers. Tata Harper’s cleanser is great as a day and night product. But my favourite is Sanskrit Saponins. I have to be honest, this is not for the faint-hearted because it uses ingredients that directly remove dirt (dead skin) and impurities (trapped oil) over time. You have to be careful not to use a lot of this product. Its not a beginner’s product.
Serum 1: NIOD Repigment
I did want to use a Vitamin C serum because I have so much pigmentation, but honestly, my skin needs more. NIOD’s Repigment product over a couple of months should reduce the colour of the pigmentation – and that’s what I need now.
Serum 2: Survival 0
This product is essentially packed with anti-oxidants. If you are concerned about ageing, then you could this to your routine. The purpose of anti-oxidants is to reduce free-radical activity of (e.g.) oxygen radicals.
Will you notice an immediate and drastic improvement to your routine? No.
Serum: Kama’s
This is one of Kama’s new products and I have mixed feelings about Kama products – they stink but produce great results
My day moisturiser will take the form of my sunscreen – Ultrasun (read the review here)
My night moisturiser is essentially my own concoction and has at least 20% ghee and a ludicrous, commercially not viable amount of saffron. Part of cosmetic formulation is very much using the products on yourself!!
I am going to be using Tata Harper’s resurfacing mask once a week. I have used this mild product before and you can read the review here.
NIOD review