Beauty Bridal Gifts
This blog is in response to a reader, who specifically wanted clean beauty skincare products for a bride-to-be.
Empowering women. Brutally honest. Love science
This blog is in response to a reader, who specifically wanted clean beauty skincare products for a bride-to-be.
This blog is a product review of Kama Ayurveda’s cleansing oil from its Kumkumadi range. Find out if I like it or bin it.
A reader prodded me to write this blog recently. I have kept postponing it because its a difficult to make consumers realise the tremendous risks associated with essential oil misuse, when they are so readily available.
Surprisingly, I have reviewed more mineral sunscreens than I thought possible. It just goes to show you that the popularity of mineral sunscreens has not even escaped me!
This product is the only body cream from Forest Essentials that I have been regularly using for many years.
Kama Ayurveda produce a velvet-like body butter, with almond oil, coconut oil and kokum butter, which is indigenous to India.
In today’s blog I am going to take you through a subtle (but important) distinction between an actual body butter and moisturiser.
The worst products I paid for and used in 2020? Too many to list but here are a few that I am certainly going to avoid in the future!
This is my very short list of products that I tested in 2020 and still continue to use. Enjoy!
Many young women do not have a proper skincare routine. This is a mistake on so many levels.
Continuing with my series of budget beauty products, here are my face products: face washes, toners and moisturisers
Most of the products we use should not cost an arm and a leg, Even though cheaper means efficacious, it does not always mean “must-haves.”
After road-testing Forest Essentials (240 days) and Kama Ayurveda (30 days), I can now suggest best-in-class of each luxury Ayurveda range.
This is my 30 day final product review of all the Kama Ayurveda products that I have been using for the past month
This is a product review of the only face mask that I was sold at Kama Ayurveda. It is a multani mitthi (Fueller’s earth) and sandalwood face mask
This is a product review of Kama Ayurveda’s facial exfoliator, which contains walnut shell granules and sesame oil.
This is a 100% pure rosewater product, that is made in India. Its made using steam distillation, which preserves amongst other things, fragrance and natural colour.
Product review of Kama Ayurveda’s face cleanser. Aloe vera, rose and jasmine essential oils feature prominently in this product.
What am I testing? I will be road testing products from Kama Ayurveda, UMA and Elizabeth Arden. Kama Ayurveda In pre-COVID-19 times, I went to a physical Kama Ayurveda store, where I spoke to a human being (and not a
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